Harris ijen tour and travel

Harris ijen tour and travel

Harris ijen tour and travel


Harris ijen tour and travel is a local travel agency specializing in volcano tours and also daily tours that serve all types of travel tours including midnight tours, family tours, honeymoon tours and corporate tours that handle several types and types of small group tours and group tours big. https://www.harrisijentourandtravel.com/


We also serve booking hotel arrangements, homestays, and rental homes. We serve several types of vehicle rentals such as jeep rental, motorbike rental, bus rental, and other vehicles depending on your needs. we also handle shooting events, photographic grapi, and all kinds of other trips that are in Java and also on the island of Bali CONTAC US  ||  admin@harrisijentourandtravel.com FOR TOUR BOOKING AND FOR TOUR INFORMATION Contac.info@harrisijentourandtravel.com

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Harris Ijen Tour and travel is a local online travel agency company that has been established since 2009 and was founded by I GUSTI HARIS PRADANA S.H or known as MUHAMAD ABDUL HARIS S.H who is registered with a legal name in the Indonesian government under the name PT. HARRIS IJEN JAYA MANDIRI